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Get Involved

Ways to Help More Pets

Volunteering, hosting a pet food drive, or donating to The Pet Project is a great way to make a positive impact in the lives of pets and their owners. By getting involved with TPP, you can help provide food and supplies to families in need and ensure that pets are able to stay with their loving owners.

Whether you’re an animal lover or simply looking for a way to give back to your community, TPP offers a variety of opportunities to get involved and make a difference.


Get Involved - Volunteer


We are 100% volunteer-managed and -operated so we are always in need of people willing to lend a hand. Please consider sharing your knowledge, skills, talents, interests, and time with us! Together we can help keep Iowa pets with the families who love them, and out of shelters.

Get Involved - Host a Pet Food Drive

Host a Pet Food Drive

Want to host a Pet Food Drive at your office, place of business or upcoming event? Below are all the resources you need to get started!

Accepted Items:

  • Adult dry dog and cat food (new or opened)
  • Adult wet dog and cat food
  • Cat and dog treats

Get Involved - Donate


Compassion is how The Pet Project exists.

​“My dog is part of my family and I’d do anything for him. The Pet Project helps others keep their pets with their families: a critical, invaluable, resource.”
– Jamie Angove, The Pet Project Supporter

​Your action today will help fund programs and services that allow families to keep their loving pets. This is your chance to help pets stay with the people who love them!

Please fill out the volunteer application form and select which opportunities you would like to help with.